Library Media Center
The mission of the Richmond Community High School Media Center Program is to help students become life long learners and to ensure students and staff are effective users of ideas and information.
Hours of Operation
The Media Center is open from 9:15 - 4:15, Monday - Friday
Media Center Visits
I hope visiting the Media Center becomes an integral part of your high school experience, and you have many opportunities to do so. But please remember:
- a pass is required to enter the Media Center during regular classroom hours unless you are visiting with your entire class.
- a pass is not required during lunch.
- you must sign in each time you enter, and sign out each time you exit the Media Center.
- to follow RPS acceptable-use guidelines.
Media Center Visits—Class Groups
Faculty members are encouraged to schedule a visit to the Library Media Center in conjunction with a planned lesson or project. I am happy to join in the goal setting for objectives, procedures, activities, and resources for the unit. There is a collaboration form to fill out with the Media Specialist to ensure the best use of time and effort.
VCU High School Partners Program
This partnership allows students and instructors to borrow materials from VCU libraries. If you are interested, please see Mrs. Humphries for a pass.
Our library has purchased eBooks from Follett School Solutions and they are now available for your use. These eBooks can be accessed in school or from home using an internet-enabled computer or device. eBooks are great for casual reading or research since you can take and save notes, highlight text and more. There’s even an app you can download.
You can access our eBooks by computer ,or you can download the Destiny Discover app on your smart device(iPhone, iPad, android, or tablet) and follow these steps:
- When the app first opens, you will need to choose Virginia from the dropdown list as your state and then choose your school from the dropdown list.
- You may select Browse as Guest if you just want to look around.
- Select Login if you want to actually check out or read an eBook. Select a title that you like, click OPEN to view and/or Read the book. Click on CHECKOUT to access/download the book to your smart device. (YOU MUST log in to access each title.)
Login Info for Students: your username is your Student ID (ex. 00123456), and your password is your birth date in this format: mmddyyyy (ex.06052001 for June 5, 2001).
Please note: Teachers and staff can log in using their AD login.
Our Media Specialist
Mrs. Stephanie Humphries is the Librarian/Media Specialist at Richmond Community High School. She graduated from Norfolk State University with a B.S. in computer science. In addition, she holds an M.T. in NK-4 and a post-baccalaureate certificate in library media services K-12 from Virginia Commonwealth University. This is her fourteenth year at RCHS and twenty-fifth year with Richmond Public Schools. She also sponsors the Young Adult Book Club, Student Ambassadors, and Sophomore Class.
Phone: (804) 780-4332
Degrees and Certifications:
B.S. Computer Science (Norfolk State University)
M.T. NK-4 (Virginia Commonwealth University)
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Library Specialist K-12 (Virginia Commonwealth University)
Helpful Links
Check student's progress
One username, one password, any app. Clever allows students and staff access to the district's resources without the need for multiple usernames and passwords.
Destiny Library Catalog
Gail: Opposing Viewpoints
Citation Builder
From North Carolina State Library
Knight Cite
Generate MLA and APS citations
APA Guide
Owl Purdue online writing lab
Basic Steps in the Research Process
This list of steps is a guideline for you to use. Not everyone will do these steps in the same order and you may go back and forth between them.
Britannica School
Britannica School is an online encyclopedia that provides additional resources to aid in your research project.
Find It Virginia—High School
Articles, newspapers, and multimedia on topics most often researched in high schools for students, their teachers, and parents. You need a public library card to access articles.
Google Scholar
Searches directly for articles in well-regarded publications, journal articles, research and reference papers and other useful material.
Unabridged dictionary
MLA Guide
Owel Purdue online writing center
Open Access Theses and Dissertations aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over 1100 colleges, universities, and research institutions. OATD currently indexes 5,044,695 theses and dissertations.
The Public Library of Science provides open access to science information.
Currently in public beta, RefSeek is a web search engine for students and researchers that aims to make academic information easily accessible to everyone. RefSeek searches more than one billion documents, including web pages, books, encyclopedias, journals, and newspapers.
Virtual LRC
The Virtual Learning Resources Center indexes thousands of the best academic information websites,selected by teachers and library professionals worldwide, in order to provide to students and teachers current, valid information for school and university academic projects!
Where Do I Begin?
Start your research here on Perdue Owl
Bay Journal
The Bay Journal is published by Bay Journal Media, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, to inform the public about issues and events that affect the Chesapeake Bay.
JSTOR Daily is an online publication that contextualizes current events with scholarship.
Pew Research Center
Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. It is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts.
ProPublica is an independent, nonprofit newsroom that produces investigative journalism with moral force. We dig deep into important issues, shining a light on abuses of power and betrayals of public trust — and we stick with those issues as long as it takes to hold power to account.
Science Daily
News and much more in the world of science, videos, articles, images and books...a very useful website!
The Conversation
Academic rigor, journalistic flair
Learn a language for free. Forever.
Free Math Help
A collection of unique math lessons, games, calculators, and external links
Explore over 5,700 free videos in 13 subject areas.
Khan Academy
Slow Motion Chemistry
Slow Motion Chemistry contains nineteen videos that capture chemical reactions in slow motion.
The Periodic Table of Videos
The University of Nottingham features a video demonstration of the characteristics of each element in the Periodic Table of Elements.
Virtual Nerd
Math help
SAT Practice
Take a practice SAT on paper to simulate the test day experience. After you've finished, score your test using your phone and the free mobile app, Daily Practice for the New SAT, or print the resources that come with each test to score them by hand.
Study guides.
World History & Geography to 1500 AD
Story of the Week
Presented by Library of America